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resource to purchase

bees, science readers, graphic organizers, teaching resources, first grade, kindergarten, MrsQuimbyReads, honeybees, bee life cycle, writing prompts, math activities for first grade, my little science readers, interactive booklets for first graders

Young Readers learn  about Honey Bees

Find more 1st grade resources here

first grade poster
my garden, kevin henkes, reading response graphic organizers, writing prompts, children's literature, first grade, teaching resources
Reading for Meaning - ELA

 Charlotte's Web   is a wonderful story to read aloud to first graders. These reader response pages are for the younger readers and writers.  Teach story elements to young readers :

      characters         setting           problem     solution

 These pages and graphic organizers help the younger students read, write and think about the story. Writing pages to complete as you read the book.  If you are looking for reading response pages for more advanced readers click here to find that resource.  

cover-learning to write sentences
writer's checklist
sight word practice

Reader Response Pages for

The Snowy Day 

by Ezra Jack Keats

This book is one of my favorite read alouds and first graders love this story.  Respond to the reading with these writing prompts and get a spin-off lesson about snow, temperatures and matter changing.

Chrysanthemum - Book Companion
Snowy Day - Book companion
The Scarecrow's Hat - Book Companion
sight words - literacy

Create a  Sight Word Literacy Spot with

these pages 

Tops & Bottoms- Book Companion
Big AL
Write About Whales
Click Clack Moo Cows that Type
JanBrett-Hat and Mitten
Roll an Read - Primary Grades
wemberly worried
busy bee classroom posters, teaching citizenship, teacher resources

Sight Word Puzzles with an Apple Theme

Create a Literacy Station | Practice Sight Words 

Get these
sight word 

puzzles here

sight word puzzles, literacy station, apple theme for reading
The day it Rained Hearts
partner cards
Reading Fluency - Sight Words
All You Need for a Snowman
Sight Words, Buzz game

Practice reading sight words with this fun game of BUZZ. Children love to choose a card, read the sight word,   and oh! no! BUZZ.

Once you play, they ask to play again!

This teaching resource:

  • provides reading practice for 100 sight words

  • builds self-esteem

  • builds confidence

  • provides an opportunity to write the sight words

  • includes teacher directions

  • recording sheet for sight words

Write About Your Field Trip with

this easy printable booklet 

4 easy pages for your students to write

talk about behavior expectations

What will you see?  Where will you go?

How will you go? Take a "Field Trip Pledge"

field trip writing prompts
Writing Prompts forSummer Plans
The Hare and the Tortoise-Book Companion
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