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Teaching Preschoolers the Alphabet

Extraordinary Fiona Girl


If you are looking for ways to teach preschoolers the letters of the alphabet, you are in the right place.  Click on the letters below to find activities, books and other fun alphabet amusements.  Learning is fun!  Three and four year olds are curious and love to learn.           
Click on any letter below to find alphabet practice for each letter.   Pages include practicing hearing the sound of the letter, coloring pages that start with the letter, cut and paste activities, alphabet books to assemble, handwriting practice of each letter, assembling the letters using eye -hand coordination, uppercase and lowercase sort, craftivities to make with each letter, and alphabet grids that you can use with one, two or many letters.  Click, download and see!  and find those alphabet letters that are FREE!

Be sure to notice letters and print around you.  When you travel with your preschooler, point out letters, show them signs, teach them to recognize the exit signs and tell them the meaning.  In the grocery store and at home, discover the letters on the cereal box and milk container.  Your preschooler will start to understand that the print has meaning and everything has a name.

Starting some fun activities with your child's name is always fun for the 3 and 4 year olds.  Teaching your child his/her name is always a great beginning.   One easy and fun way might to make a name kit...easy to make.  Write the letters of your child's name in block letters and easy to read.  You might want to start with all capital letters.  Size should be about 2 inches x 2 inches.  Cut them in squares.  Place them in a manilla envelope.  I like to write the letters bold and bright and I use markers.  If your child's name is Fiona, write several F's , several I's, several O's, several N's, and yes several A's!

Then just let Fiona make her name over and over.  You can be as simple or fancy as you like

learning the alphabet-teaching resources-preschool teacher, free teaching resources-homeschooler

Teach the Alphabet In This Order

M   T   B   F   D   S   P   V   L   Z   N   W   J  

K   H   C   G   Y   R  A   O   I   U   E   Q   X

Click on any letter below to download your alphabet resources

the Letter M is FREE, so you can try these pages right away

learning the alphabet -letter A
letter B - learning the alphabet
learning the alphabet -letter C
learning the alphabet- letter D
letter E - learn the alphabet
letter F
letter G
letter H
Letter I
letter J
letter K
letter L
letter M
learning the alphabet-letter P
letter R
letter S
letter T
letter U
letter V.jpg
Color the Alphabet

Alphabet Chart for Early Learners

 If you would like to order one, just click on the image. You can order it large on a canvas or much smaller as a print.  Designed with bold, bright colorful alphabet letters .  Inspired by good thoughts for everyone.


Why play is a good idea for small children?

The Story about Learning to Read

According to research, the best predictor of first-year reading achievement is the child’s knowledge of and the ability to recognize and name the upper- and lower-case letters of the alphabet. A child with automatic, accurate recognition of letters will have an easier time learning about letter sounds and word spellings than a child who does not know the letters of the alphabet.  When educators discuss the importance of children possessing knowledge of letters of the alphabet, they are often discussing a variety of skills. Some may only mean that students will learn to recognize and name the letters of the alphabet. Others will include learning how to write the letters as part of this skill, while others will include matching sounds to letters as a component of letter knowledge. Any and all these steps in learning the alphabet should always be enjoyable. Let your child guide you on what he/she is ready for. Remember you can do so much just by setting the right reading environment. Learning to read includes reading, writing, listening and speaking, and most importantly, thinking!
Recognizing letters can be taught by distinguishing shapes and seeing the distinct features that make an M an M or an S an S. Singing the ABC song is a great way to start out with a preschooler. People love music and stories; babies and children love music and stories! Nursery Rhymes can be sung or read and become quite enjoyable. Pointing out different letters in the environment can also be a starting point for your preschool child. Letters and numbers are everywhere. Casually point out letters and numbers when they happen to be in view. Instruction on letters of the alphabet is "clearly important because one of the beginning reader's biggest responsibilities is to figure out how our alphabetic language works" (Cunningham & Allington). Most likely, your child is already talking so they are intuitive to our language. They know how to tell you things or ask for things. They know stories have a beginning, middle, and end because they live stories beside you. They know how to evaluate and make inferences (which are higher comprehension skills in reading). Your 2-year-old can infer if Mommy or Daddy is happy or sad by facial expressions or viewing actions. So start the journey with your child down alphabet lane.... be on the lookout for letters, numbers, and fun as you go. The joy is in the journey!

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