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Everybody loves Charlotte's Web
Reader Response Pages. Graphic Organizers.Task cards for Discussion Groups. Vocabulary. Comprehension Checks . Chapter by Chapter. story elements
and More!
Everything You Need!
At Your Fingertips!
Novel Study for Charlotte's Web
This complete and engaging literacy unit for Charlotte’s Web will save YOU time and engage your students in a meaningful reading experience. Reading responses, graphic organizers, comprehension questions, vocabulary, writing about reading, character study, story elements, task cards for discussion groups or journaling and SO much more!
These writing prompts and graphic organizers
• will enable young readers to make connections to their reading
• will support reading strategies taught
• will improve reading comprehension
• will engage students in literature in a meaningful way
102 pages of Reading Response Graphic Organizers and Writing Prompts Include:
• character study pages [9 pages]
• adjectives to describe the characters
• setting [2 pages]
• 5 vocabulary bookmarks
• vocabulary words for classroom display [45 key words from story]
• writing about the theme [3 pages]
• compare and contrast
• ‘thick and thin’ questions [5 pages]
• comprehension questions chapter-by-chapter [22 pages]
* comprehension question task cards for discussion groups or journaling
• poetry! About a Spider, of course!
• writing prompt for spider webs
• visualizing activity
• visualizing anchor chart for display
• summarize the story page
• recommendation page
• ‘make a cover’ for your Charlotte’s Web folder
• teacher resource pages
This book is a wonderful book teaching the theme of friendship. E.B. White is a masterful writer and he captures the children's minds and hearts on page 1. You will be able to use these pages if you decide to do a read aloud with the book; or if you assign the book for independent reading. These reader response pages are appropriate for grades 2-3. 4th graders might also use these writing prompts about this book as their writing would be more sophisticated and they would be able to develop higher level meanings on theme, comprehension, summary, vocabulary etc. These writing pages would also help homeschoolers to learn comprehension strategies, word study and listening skills.
If you would just like the Story Elements Flip Book click the link below:
Story Elements Flip Book for Charlotte's Web
If you are looking for reader response pages for beginning readers for Charlotte's Web, click the link below to see a reader response book companion for Charlotte's Web for Primary Readers:
Charlotte's Web Literacy Book Companion for Primary Readers K-1
Everything You Need for authentic writing about this wonderful book...character study pages, word work, vocabulary, comprehension checks, comprehension question task cards for discussion groups or journal writing.
This teaching resource is to be used with the book, Charlotte's Web, by E.B. White.
Charlotte's Web
for Primary Grades
This teaching resources for Charlotte's Web is for primary learners. There is space to draw and write about the characters. Also teaching, story elements for setting and characters. This resource is to be used with the book, Charlotte's Web, by E. B. White.