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teaching resources that bring joy to learning!

Photograph Writing Prompts

Quick Writes

Engage students in writing with these fun and amazing photographs
from easy quick writes to paragraph writing. All of the photographs are also included to make a photo file to use in a writing center and/or for writing topics. Each photograph is in a powerpoint presentation file so you can project the photo for the whole class. Daily writing practice is easy with these photo prompts. Several formats and includes 270 pages Reading, speaking and listening also required. Bring literacy into the classroom with this teaching resource of photograph writing prompts.

writing words
create a storyboard
photo-to-self connection
5 Ws
photo icon writing page
5 Ws Star Organizer
Word mapping
Make a prediction
Making an Inference
Research Organizer
Answer the Questions
Lots of pages to create a photograph prompt writing station.​
Build your writing center with these photographs and pages
photo talk questions
task cards
blank writing pages
reference pages
basic writing moves
basic thinking moves
revising and editing tips
make your writing better
how to write a paragraph
half-page quick writes
power writes
3-2-1 writes
snappy titles
snap! flash! Smile Write!
I see. I think. I wonder.
Write one page
Anytime Quick Writes Now!
Teacher Information
Photo Index
Powerpoint Presentations to show entire class the photograph for today
Parent Letter for 'my photograph assignment'

NO PREP - everything you need to provide a writing opportunity easily
each morning, in a writing center, independent seat work, small group instruction, writing folder, homework... an anytime write NOW!

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