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100th Day of School | Interactive Booklet | Celebrate 100 days

100th Day of School | Interactive Booklet | Celebrate 100 days

Celebrate the 100th day of school with these bright and colorful interactive booklets! Easy to make! Only two pages, and you will have created an eight-page booklet.Students interact with reading, spelling, solving, and drawing with the number 100 in mind.


  • Read 100 sight words.
  • Spell 100 words
  • Solve 100 math facts
  • Draw 100 geometric shapes


Your students will love making it to 100 on each of these pages.

Print in colors to add to the celebration.

Also included are more pages to make your 100th day a bit special.

  • A 100th day Coloring Page
  • A 100-circle chart
  • 100 buttons in a jar [page] to count and color
  • 100 marbles in a jar (page) to measure and color
  • Number Grid from 1-100
  • color odd and even numbers on the 100s chart
  • Fill in the missing numbers from 1-100 chart
  • 100 Days Smarter coloring page
  • 100 Days Nicer
  • 100 Acts of Kindness (class count)


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