Pages Include one for each school day of the week:
Monday - Brainstorm Ideas and Topics
Tuesday - Complete a 4-square for your topic
Wednesday - Write a topic sentence, details and a closing sentence
Thursday - Check Wednesday's writing with the writer's checklist; make a sketch and think of two possible titles for your writing
Friday - Writing the Final Copy
Directions are given each day at the left side of the page...students write on the right side of the page. On Friday, trim the pages and pass in your revised, edited and final copy of the paragraph. These pages are 'free writes' where students brainstorm their own topics.
Friday page has three pages to choose from:
Page with mid-line for beginning writers
Page with space for illustration and no mid-line
Page with no mid-line and student illustrates on the back of the page.
BONUS: Anchor Chart for "Hook Your Reader" - this is an anchor chart that gives strategies for writing a beginning sentence that 'hooks the reader'. Colorful and descriptive anchor chart that teaches!
You can find this teaching resource here.