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Teaching Resources that Will Save YOU Time

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Engaging Teaching Resources

Reading children's literature in the classroom and at home is powerful. Children show a keen interest in the books you read and they become engaged and motivated readers themselves. Reading to children is proven to improve cognitive development. Cognitive development is the emergence of the ability to think and understand. The simple and complex problems presented in children's literature creates a construction of thought processes. These processes include remembering, decision-making and problem solving. Children who have a rich and full background of stories and books have many opportunities to practice the skills of information processing, intelligence, reasoning, language development, memory and attention span. When you read aloud to children, you provide them with a background of knowledge which helps them make sense of the world. Children see, hear, and read which leads to thinking and more reading. Talking about books gives this reading process power. Power to bridge stories to their own lives and make connections to people, places and situations. Read good books. Talk about good books. Write about good books. and you will find that one good book leads to another.

Teaching resources for children's literature, reading books in the classroom
Pete the Cat Checks Out the Library

Engage your students with this book companion for this wonderful book, Pete the Cat Checks Out the Library by James Dean. Students will answer comprehension questions about the book, complete word work, color and write and learn how to do a book talk.

"Sharing a book that helps a child to form a habit of reading and makes reading an enjoyable activity that one engages in often is a good beginning for teaching language arts." CQ

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